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Tag Archives: Beauty

Getting to know the skin system

Getting to know the skin system When it comes to health and beauty, many people may think of exercise to maintain their figure. However, few people realize the importance of the “skin system”, the largest organ of the body, which acts as the first line

The importance of fibroblasts to the skin

The importance of fibroblasts to the skin Fibroblasts play an important role in the skin, producing and maintaining the main components of the dermis, namely collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which perform the following functions: Factors affecting fibroblast growth Fibroblast growth and function depend on

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream Eye cream is a skin care item that many people may overlook. Some people use it incorrectly, such as using the skin in order or choosing moisturizers to nourish the skin instead of eye cream because they think

benefits of coconut water

Who knew What are the benefits of coconut water besides just quenching thirst in the summer? In hot weather like this, it would be good if we could get a cool coconut water. But not hot weather Coconut water is still everyone’s favorite fruit anyway. With a sweet taste drink