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Tag Archives: Health

Getting to know the skin system

Getting to know the skin system When it comes to health and beauty, many people may think of exercise to maintain their figure. However, few people realize the importance of the “skin system”, the largest organ of the body, which acts as the first line

The importance of fibroblasts to the skin

The importance of fibroblasts to the skin Fibroblasts play an important role in the skin, producing and maintaining the main components of the dermis, namely collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which perform the following functions: Factors affecting fibroblast growth Fibroblast growth and function depend on

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream

Revealing 5 mistakes in using eye cream Eye cream is a skin care item that many people may overlook. Some people use it incorrectly, such as using the skin in order or choosing moisturizers to nourish the skin instead of eye cream because they think

Cucumber, benefits, properties, precautions

Cucumber is a type of vegetable that Thai people know and are familiar with. It is often used as a dipping sauce, various chili pastes, fermented soybean paste, etc., or as a side dish for single dishes such as chicken rice and red pork rice. In

Fat trapping pills Can really lose weight Or life-threatening?

Fat trapping pills Can really lose weight Or life-threatening? If you are one of those people who have ever thought about losing weight You’ve probably heard advertisements for a type of weight loss pill call “Fat trapping pills” that will trap fat from the food we eat. Then defecate with feces, with a

How to “drink water” to meet the body’s needs?

How to “drink water” to meet the body’s needs? “Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.” Is this theory still valid? And if we forget to count the number of glasses. How do we know if we are drinking enough water? Report from โปรโมชั่น ufabet Drinking water

Prostate cancer Dangers that men must careful

Prostate cancer Dangers that men must careful Today, innovations in cancer treatment continue to develop. Both treatment methods and the development of new innovative medicines which helps greatly in treating this disease. In addition to helping cancer patients reduce the suffering from their illness. It also includes helping to rehabilitate

10 ways to take care of the mind

There are many events that often affect our mind. whether it works loss of a lover Outbreak of COVID-19. Or even poisoning the economy, so taking care of the mind is something that must be done. First in order to prop myself up through stories the best The Department of Mental Health